Tenants FAQ
Here’s some frequently asked questions
How do I apply for a property?
After you inspect the property you will receive a unique code which you can use to apply for the property via 1Form. You can also press the “Apply Now” button on any of our online property listings.
Who do I call for out of hours emergency maintenance?
In your Residential Tenancy Agreement there will be contractors noted in the Emergency Maintenance section, these tradesmen will be available 24/7 to help.
Am I able to offer feedback?
Absolutely, we will send you out surveys allowing you the opportunity to provide feedback to us. Feedback is essential in any business and allows us to ensure we are doing everything we can for everyone we do business with.
How do I report maintenance?
Simply fill out our online maintenance form and we will be notified instantly that there is something needing attention at the property, we will be in touch with you throughout the process so you are always up to date.
How often are Routine Inspections?
Typically, we will complete an inspection three months after you move in, then inspect on a six monthly basis from there.
Do I need my own insurance?
The best answer is yes, typically a landlord’s insurance (whether it be contents or building insurance) will not cover your belongings. Legislation permits only licensed professionals to give personal insurance advice so our best suggestion is to contact an institution or broker to find out more.